Sound Activated Voice Detecting Transmitter with Pager (MPPL-SATSET)
We are a reputed company providing Sound Activated Voice Detecting Transmitter with Pager (MPPL-SATSET) in the UK. Useful sound detection alarm with integral transmitter, which signals a vibration alarm pager in response to detected sounds. Quick and easy to set the sound detection and type of sound levels. Ideal for alerting deaf people to sounds around the home. Simply switch both products on, set the required sound level (check with flashing LED) and its good to go, portable, compact and battery operated. Get more details on Sound Activated Voice Detecting Transmitter with Pager (MPPL-SATSET)by calling us at 01536 264 869!Visit the Easylink UK website for more information on Sound Activated Voice Detecting Transmitter with Pager (MPPL-SATSET)