
Steam Generator

Developed primarily as an economical means of generating steam for the Logiclave LAB range of freestanding autoclaves, the new ESTS steam generator provides an innovative and cost effective solution. The design is based on a proprietary heat exchanger and incorporates a coiled stainless steel tube cast into an aluminium block with electrical heating elements.The system is supplied complete with low water content heat exchanger, PID temperature controller, solid-state relay, circuit protective devices and a fully automatic blowdown system. Generally it is linked to the autoclave controller to provide ‘on demand’ steam although if required it can also be supplied as a small standalone steam generator package.ESTS Steam Generator•Low maintenance design•Generally excluded from written scheme of examination•Consistent and accurate temperature control•Automatic blowdown•316L Stainless steel process fluid path•Rapid steam generation•Heater elements not in contact with fluid•Non-welded seamless construction•Can run dry without detrimental effect We also maintain and supply other commercially available electrically heated flash steam generators typically up to 72kw

Visit the ESTS Logiclave website for more information on Steam Generator


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