
Security Label Uses and Applications


Security Labels Benefits Security labels are a versatile and cost-effective security tool for any business looking for a simple tamper-evident option. The main uses of security labels is that they provide tamper-evident feature, making them an effective tool in a variety of industries, across a variety of applications. Security labels can provide a valuable additional layer of security to everything from documents to boxes; they will show visible evidence of anyone compromising the integrity or attempting to remove the label based on the residue or void marks left behind. Security seals have many benefits in their application on secure goods, however the primary uses include: Theft Deterrent: Most security labels are semi-permanent, so cannot be removed easily. If someone were to tamper with a security label the ‘void’ marking or residue would be clearly visible, thereby allowing culpability to those with access. Rental Equipment and Void Warranty: Companies who rent their times tend to use security labels on the items so they can check if they have been tampered with in any way. Security Labels can also be used to determine if sold goods have been modified in any way that would compromise the warranty of the product. Asset Management: As well as their excellent security features, security labels can also be used for equipment tracking purposes and asset management purposes. A security label can feature a barcode, a company name or even just a number for asset tracking purposes. Security Label Uses Classified Documents: Many organizations deal with sensitive or classified documents in the workplace, especially those with client information or future business strategies. Keeping these documents away from unauthorized eyes is a top priority, and the best way to ensure their safety is by applying security seals to folders, cabinets, and stacks that contain sensitive information. If there is any attempt to view them by an unauthorized person, it will be clear from the tamper-evident feature of any security label. Airplane Security: Another high-security area is  passenger airplane. With hundreds of people flying, it's critical to the lives and safety of both passengers and crew members to maintain a secure environment. Security labels can be a powerful tool in alerting cabin workers of any unauthorized access to food, cabinets, or even important security or electrical panels. Placing security labels in any place cabin passengers should not have access to can maintain a secure and safe environment. Vehicle Access: Non-residue security labels can be placed on the seam of vehicle doors, thereby preventing access without removing the label and leaving a VOID message through the seal. These security labels can be applied for newly manufactured vehicles before delivery and for vehicle impoundment to demonstrate a vehicle has not been accessed during its holding period. Medicinal Products: Medicinal drugs are both a life-saving and dangerous business, in which security is highly important for the safety of citizens. Safety seals are an important way to guarantee that drug shipments are secured and untampered when they arrive at their intended destination. With the black market and counterfeit drugs as realistic threats to the pharmaceutical industry, security should be on the minds of anybody in the formal drug industry. Laboratory Testing:  When conducting clinical trials, disease experiments and blood-work, it is critical to ensure identification and traceability of vials. Smaller sized nonresidue labels are a perfect solution as they can be securely marked with a unique identifier and applied between the cap and glass of the vial. Not only does this allow for identifying individual vials, but also provides an easy indication of tampering with samples. Computer Hardware: With the introduction of GDPR legislation, public scandals such as Cambridge Analytica, electronic information has become more sensitive and protected than ever. Defunct equipment marked for disposal, server and hardware access and confidential hard drives can be securely protected to identify any unauthorised access to equipment and escalate to a security breach procedure. Ballot Boxes: Though it may only come around every few years, election day is a high-security process that requires the coordination of thousands of workers, machines, and public voters. Security labels are used to secure ballot boxes during transit to ensure they remain unopened until votes can be securely counted, eliminating the chances of fraud or election rigging. Security Label Options There are a number of different security label options, so selecting the right seal that best fits your business and product requirements. For example, a high-residue security label would be inappropriate for sealing vehicle doors as they may damage paintwork when removed. Nonresidue Void Seals: Nonresidue void seals reveal a hidden void message on the seal itself, rather than leaving behind a physical void message on the applied surface. This means tampering is clear once the label has been removal, without leaving a sticky residue like other void seals. The nonresidue void seal is especially useful in industries that require the removal and placement of void seals frequently, such as vehicle access, election ballot boxes, safety fixtures, and computer set-ups. This prevents the build-up of residue and maintains a clean, clear surface for the purpose of void seal reapplication. Residue Void Seals: Residue void seals leave behind a void message on the applied surface. The void message is revealed upon removal, and also appears on the backend of the removed seal. Residue void seals are the perfect-tamper evident security tool for any industry that wants to ensure the safety of products, such as the pharmaceutical and retail industries. Once removed, it's clear that a product or its packaging has been opened or tampered with, making this kind of label perfect for these uses. High-Residue Void Seals: High-residue void seals differ from regular residue void seals in one big way: the void message left behind is displayed on the greater part of the label, while the removed part becomes translucent. These labels leave behind more residue, making it more difficult to remove the residue or avoid a tampering message. Like the other two void seals described, the void message also appears upon label removal. High-residue void seals are especially useful for higher security purposes, such as surveillance, government, and banking.

Visit the JW Products Ltd website for more information on Security Label Uses and Applications


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