
About Us

Here at Signatrol Ltd, we have been providing a wide range of high quality data loggers since 1994. We have an extensive selection of data logging products and solutions available, from the low cost SL51T to the ultimate data logger, the SL7000 series.

Most of our data loggers are small, battery powered devices which have a battery life of between 5 and 10 years, offering a fantastic low cost of ownership.

Our wealth of expertise is not only with temperature measurement, we also have applications which have involved measuring temperature, relative humidity, pressure, level, flow alongside the common process signals such as 4-20mA and DC Voltage.


  • 6152UK - Wireless Vantage Pro2 Weather Station

  • Data logger Hire - Signatrol UK

  • HYGROLOG NT2 - Handheld Temperature & Relative Humidity Data Logger

  • SL1000 - High Precision Data Logger Family

  • SL2100 - High Precision Data Logger

  • SL400 - Wireless Radio Telemetry System

  • SL51T - Miniature Temperature Data Logger

Signatrol Ltd has 17 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 10 of 17 Products

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  • Press Release - SPYDAQ

Signatrol Ltd has 1 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 1 of 1 News