
Anti-Static Devices

G083 Zerostat 3 Anti-Static generator for neutralising static charges of either polarity on any insulating surface. The Zerostat 3 includes a dual cycle operation so when the trigger is pulled positive ions are released but on release negative ions are generated. Use to reduce the risk of grids jumping out of boxes, to eliminate block charging during ultramicrotomy or remove static on plastic containers for several hours. S348 The Diatome Static Line 2 Ioniser can dramatically improve ultramicrotomy of frozen and room temperature sections. The ‘Static Line 2' emits negative and positive ions thus neutralising the static charges built up during sectioning. The variable voltage ensures the exact emission for the work in hand is achieved including trimming of cryo specimens. At room temperature, the high cutting forces that are needed to separate an ultrathin section from an insulating block of epoxy or acrylic material leads to a highly charged sample surface. With a water bath this can result in the block face wetting, sections being pulled back over the knife edge, wrinkles distortion etc. The ‘Static Line 2’ can achieve perfect ribbons with virtually all specimens. With dry sections e.g. Lowicryl, the ‘Static Line 2’ prevents the loss of sections due to static attractions around the knife holder. A072 Anti static mat 1 metre wide. Made from an elastomeric material with high wear resistance and which is electrically conductive and flexible. Makes a very useful dust-free work surface, or for protecting sensitive items from static charges and minor shocks. The mat is 1mm thick and 1 metre wide and is sold in 1 metre lengths up to a maximum one-piece length of 10 metres. The material maintains its electrical conductivity throughout its lifetime. Volume sensitivity of mats is 105 ohm/cm and that’s ten to twelve orders of magnitude better than the resistivity of typical rubber.

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