
Why should I register on the Alpha Laboratories website?


The Alpha Laboratories Ltd. (Alpha Labs) website is primarily designed for business, healthcare and academic visitors and their organizations. The products we supply are intended for professional use. All users are welcome to visit Alpha Labs online and explore our extensive product information, pricing and documentation. Online Availability of Your Company/Institute Special Terms and Discounts When you register we are able to verify your details against those maintained for transacting with your establishment. For example we can link your registration to your Alpha Labs company account number to enable online accessibility to previously agreed business terms, established discounted prices and quotations. Normally your registration will only become activated and linked to your account once you have placed your first online order. If you wish to activate your account prior to placing your first order then please contact or call 0800 387732 from the UK or +44 2380 487209 from outside the UK and we can enable this for you manually. The correct prices will only be displayed online if your registration is connected to the relevant account. If the prices you see once logged in are not as expected please contact use to review your account link.

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