What is the KORING?
Approximately 300.000 patients receive a bowel ostomy every year
worldwide. This surgical procedure is often necessary because of
gastrointestinal cancer or infectious bowel disease.
Every third patient develops a herniation of the ostomy during the first three years after the initial surgery. Du to the artificial hole in the
abdominal wall and the continues intraabdominal pressure the
abdominal wall ist weakened particularly in the area of stoma
formation. That leads to a relaxation of the abdominal wall and
formation of a parastomal hernia.
A parastomal hernia has the risk of several complications
- pain
- skin irritation
- bowel obstruction
- surgical re-intervention
- stoma prolapse
- cosmetic and social problemsVisit the Henleys Medical Supplies Limited website for more information on What is the KORING?