23rd June 2014 - Naso-Flo airway device in stock and available to trial
The new innovative Naso-Flo device has received great feedback at recent shows and we are pleased to confirm it is now available to trial.
The device delivers direct O2 with precision CO2 detection. Connecting directly to the oxygen tube via the oxygen port the device reduces the need for the use of a mask. Manufactured from silicone, the Naso-Flo eliminates and reduces traumatic insertions. The device comes with an oxygen port and large elbow connector which prevents the Naso-Flo slipping back into lower airway.
Available on NHS Supply Chain – please contact PROACT for NPC Codes.
Please do not hesitate to email us at sales@proactmedical.co.uk or call 01536 461981 for samples, further information or to request a quotation.Visit the Proact Medical Services website for more information on 23rd June 2014 - Naso-Flo airway device in stock and available to trial