
Causes of Skin Irritation


Skin irritation is a common problem most of us experience at some point in our lives, and can range from mild itchiness and redness to the development of sores and blisters on the surface of your skin. Here we give a guide to some of the common and also less well-known causes of skin irritation, so you can take steps to ensure your skin remains protected. Household Products Most of us are aware that cleaning products can cause skin damage and irritation. This is often as a result of contact with certain chemicals contained within these products. Whilst we would typically consider particularly strong and harsh cleaning products to be the worst culprits, other relatively mild cleaners can also cause irritation to your skin, especially if it is particularly sensitive. There are a number of chemicals known to cause skin irritation to watch out for, including; ammonia, which is typically found in disinfectants and general all-purpose cleaners, sodium hydroxide, commonly found in oven cleaners, and ammonium chloride, a frequent ingredient in mould removal products. These are just a few of the many chemicals found in everyday cleaning products that can cause damage to your skin and conditions such as dermatitis. Dermatitis is a skin condition arising after contact with certain substances which can cause your skin to become red and itchy. Given the widespread nature of irritating chemicals in cleaning products it is essential that means of protection such as gloves are worn when these are used for cleaning purposes, whether on a domestic or commercial scale, in order to prevent these chemicals from coming into contact with your skin.

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